
Specialty Tools and Accessories

Specialty Tools and Accessories sold by HEI

Howard Electronics offers Specialty Items like Industrial Needles, Solder Pots, Vacuum Pickup Tools, Solder, Volt Meters, Wire Strippers, Tweezers and Pliers, Glue Guns, and Fume Extractors, Soldering Tips, Desoldering Tips, and Microscopes to meet your needs for the serious production line technician, prototype engineer, and the do-it-yourselfers. Choose the product for your best choice.

Purchase Specialty Tools and Accessories sold by Howard Electronics Today!

$239.95 $179.95

CAPWIZ Capacitor Wizard ESR Tester ( CAP1B ) by Midwest Devices


$274.95 $189.95

Capacitor Wizard ( CAP1B & CAPSVR ) by Midwest Devices with the CapWizSaver Installed





$295.00 $280.00

Auburn Technology P-20B RF Probe is a High frequency RF measurements


$30.00 $20.00

MidWest Devices CapKit Repair Kit is available if you accidentally check a charged or powered up capacitor you may damage the Capacitor Wizard®. This CAPKIT


$18.74 $14.95
SMD291ST2CC6, Chip Quik

Chip Quik SMD291ST2CC6 2cc Squeeze Tubes Flux $13.95


$35.00 $25.00

Helps protect against accidentally damaging the Capacitor Wizard® by attempting to test charged capacitors. Make a habit of following good service practices and discharge all capacitors before attempting a test - even if you install the CapSVR. Always remove power from the circuit under test.


$14.15 $11.95

Chip Quik SMD291NL 5cc (5 Grams) Syringe of Lead-Free Flux


$80.30 $72.24

V8920E-LMS-ESD Virtual Industries Pen-Vac Pro Series Vacuum Pen



ChipQuik SMDSW.031 4oz No-Clean Solder Wire 63/37 Tin/Lead


$345.00 $310.50

Virtual Industries TV-1000 Tweezer Vac System 110V - Includes a 5' coiled hose (VCH-5/64-5), Set of nine vacuum tips (VCS-9-B), Vacuum handle


$40.10 $38.52

VSPT2010-BD Virtual Industries Delrin ESD safe tip

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