AM-SB JBC Stand for AM120 Micro Tweezers

List price: $280.00
You save: $28.00 (10%)

JBC Tools AM-SB Soldering Stand for the AM120 Handpieces. JBC´s stands feature a line-up covering Advanced Series tools range.

JBC Tools AM-SB Soldering Stands

The JBC Tools AM-SB Soldering Stand sleep mode automatically reduces the tip temperature when the tool is in the stand. As a result, a tip`s life lasts up to 5 times longer.

AM-SB JBC Tools Soldering Stand

The JBC Tools AM-SB tool holder and the cable collector are easily adjustable to suit your work position and to keep the working area free of cable.

All AM-SB soldering stands are compatible with all Modular stations.

Purchase the JBC Tools AM-SB Soldering Stand Today!

Vendors :
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Manual (AM-SA.pdf, 1,648 Kb) [Download]