Heat Guns

Heat Guns, Hot Air Guns

Heat Guns from Steinel, Master Appliance, & Atten sold by Howard Electronics

Howard Electronics offers innovative Hot Air Tools, Heat Guns, Butane Torches, and Soldering Irons to meet your needs for the serious production line technician, prototype engineer, and the do-it-yourselfers. Choose Master Appliance, Steinel, Atten for your best choice.

Purchase Heat Guns sold by Howard Electronics Today!

50924 Master Appliance Cordset, 120V, AH-501C & AH-751

50737 Master Appliance Handle

$11.66 $9.95
50675 Bench stand

$52.02 $41.70
40097 Steinel HAWK Heavy Duty Case

$68.90 $55.20

40090 Steinel Metal Carrying Case


$78.97 $66.95

35542 Master Proheat STC Storage and Carring Case Only


$14.15 $12.00
40060 Heat shrink attachment


35454 General Purpose Glue Sticks - 20lb Carton*



35455 Carton Closing Glue Sticks - 20lb Carton*


$7.84 $6.73

35413 12 Carton Closing Glue Sticks


$8.41 $7.18
35414 12 Woodworking Glue Sticks

$8.99 $7.64

35412 12 General Purpose Glue Sticks

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