

Desoldering Stations sold by HEI

Howard Electronic Instruments is a worldwide distributor of desoldering stations, desoldering tools, and desoldering guns by Xytronic, JBC Tools, DEN-ON Instruments, EDSYN, and Goot. We also have all desoldering tips, desoldering handpieces, desoldering stands, desoldering parts and desoldering accessories for all the desoldering tools we sell.

Purchase a Desoldering Station or Desoldering Accessories Today!

$141.00 $136.95
Polyimide Film Tape 3.000" (3") x 36 Yards

$210.95 $198.95
Polyimide Film Tape 6.000" (6") x 36 Yards

$61.95 $56.95
Polyimide Film Tape 1.250" (1-1/4") x 36 Yards

$4,000.00 $3,770.00
DMSD-1QA Includes: • DME 4-Tool Control Unit manages up to 4 tools simultaneously and is fully compatible with 10 different JBC Tools , delivering...
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